MLB Nation - Today's Baseball Scoreboard

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Thursday I was sitting on the porch enjoying the beautiful spring day we were having. it was in the low 80's with a breeze blowing, and it really could not have been a more beautiful day. As I was sitting there , out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pair of shoes belonging to my daughter. They were well worn and had been left there to dry after getting wet the day before. I laughed inside as I looked at the shoes. I remember the day she wrote "right" on the toe of the left shoe & "left" on the toe of the right... her way of being unique. . I decided to get my camera and take a picture of the shoes.

Have you ever thougth about the shoes we wear. "walk a mile in my shoes" is a very familiar saying. something we say to let people know they do not know what we have been going thru... "I never thought about it before... after all how often do you look at a mans shoes" this is a line Morgan Freeman's character, Red, makes in the movie Shawshank Redemption. The main character had switched his prison issue shoes with the wardens extra pair of dress shoes before heading back to his cell before escaping later that evening...something the guard did not notice. Have you ever looked at someones shoes and wondered where they have been???

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