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Monday, April 12, 2010

50 Years

This past weekend my parents celebrated their 50 th wedding anniversary. The past 2 months I have spent much time helping my parents plan their anniversary celebration. Everything was beautiful and a good time was had by all. I had such a good feeling in the end as it all was so beautiful and all went perfect... I was so glad to have helped make their special day what it was! It was a very emotional weekend. There were many tears of JOY shed this weekend. Some things did not go according to plan such as the song at the end of their renewal service. I had a recording of "Hawaiian Wedding Song" By Elvis Presley and it did not work... So, I had to sing...That went very well and was very beautiful and emotional as that was the song my parents used at the end of their first wedding. It was also the song me and my late husband used at the end of our wedding... As a matter of fact, I think Leo(my late husband) caused that CD not to work so I would have to sing.... Glad I practiced. I think that was his plan... and that is fine. Ellie made the cake and it turned out beautiful. Everyone raved about the cake and how beautiful it was. It was not her first cake but her second layer cake (she is planning on going to culinary school after H.S. to become a pastry chef.) Not many people make it to 50 years. My parents have been through so much in the past 50 years and are quite the testament to for richer or poorer, better or worse, in sickness and health till death do we part. God has really blessed my parents in teh past 50 years!

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