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Thursday, April 1, 2010

What a world we live in

Yesterday I had a flier in my front door that came from the property manager where I live. The content of the flier was related to the increase of crime in our neighborhood. The property manager stated that due to the high rate of crime, (most likely the vandalism of vacant mobile homes) The park was instituting a Cerf of 10pm. Any person under 18 not being supervised by an adult, that is out and about in the park after 10pm will be apprehended by security and a park violation citation will be served on the home where the child resides. In addition, they are enforcing the no cutting thru the back side of homes(also by issuing a violation citation) These violation citations could eventually lead to evictions.

Oh but wait, if you are under 18 you must be accompanied by an adult to be in any park common areas such as the pool, basketball court, tennis court, play park & the mail box area.

Ok , so I can not send my 17 year old daughter to pick up the mail. She can not go play tennis without an adult to supervise her. She can not watch the neighbor kids at the play park, and needs to be supervised by an adult(over 18) to go to the pool in the park.

While I agree they need to do something about the crime and vandalism in the park, I think some of this is a bit much. Almost bordering on marshal law. As far as my daughter is concerned, it is going to be a long boring summer as long as she needs to be supervised by someone one year older than she is just to play tennis or go to the pool.


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