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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

On My Mind

There are many things on my mind today. Things that are part of my circumstances and things that are not my circumstances but things I have to be involved in due to relationships. I have had a quite busy several weeks getting things done for my parents for their 50 th wedding anniversary and all that is going to be coming to a head. Mom and dads anniversary is this Friday April 9th. They are going to celebrate with their friends at the senior center that day and on Saturday they are going to renew their vows and have a small reception after. There has been much work and need for preparation for which I have been extensively involved. I have had the time as I have not been working... in some ways I believe that I have needed to be unemployed in order to help with everything I have been in charge of. It has been difficult emotionally and there has been stress regarding not working but I am trying to be patient. (yet another thing on my mind.) I have been tired of late... I suppose that it has been all the things that I have had to do and all the frustrations related to all I have had on my plate and on my mind. I know that all the stress I have felt is just fueling the fire and adding to my weariness. I know I have to let the stresses go and just do the tasks. I have been thinking at times of the way I would love things to be. Sometimes in my running around I have gotten a chance to drive "out in the country" enjoying the peace and beauty.... The peace and beauty... I have in those moments, wished to be in those settings as my lifestyle. Kind of like permanent vacation just coasting through the beauty and the peace of Gods creation. To somehow always have the vision or the view "off the front porch" so to speak.

I think that is the thought I want to end this post on.

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