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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Police: Woman gets fork in eye in dispute over last rib - DC News FOX 5 DC WTTG


This to me goes in the heading of WTH Were They Thinking!

MUNCIE, Ind. (AP) -- Police say an Indiana woman stabbed another woman in the eye with a fork in a dispute over the last rib at a barbecue
      I guess this brings a new meaning to the words Food Fight! Sometimes I look at stories like this and I really have no words for the actual stupidity of the story. I think about...Did this really happen? I can not believe the absurdity of this kind of dispute. Are people really this crazy? Makes me wonder what would cause me to stab someone with a fork...In the eye no less.

     First of all, I can not imagine ever  fighting over food unless maybe I was...I do not know... starving, maybe had not eaten in many days. It certainly would not be at a back yard BBQ where there is usually food overflowing.

     How do people begin to think that this kind of uncivilized behavior is ok? Many times I read stories like this and wonder when did common sense and basic moral decency get thrown by the wayside?  Sometimes peoples actions leave me really wondering: WTH Were They Thinking!

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