MLB Nation - Today's Baseball Scoreboard

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I have been surfing the web and taking care of some business on line including job search. I have also been playing those addicting games on facebook. Sitting at my desk I take a break to look out the window and enjoy the beautiful day God has blessed us with. It is supposed to get up to 86 today the last day of March. There is a breeze blowing in the window making the curtains flutter... which keeps distracting me a bit as I see it out the corner of my eye. My Cat Borris is sitting in the window sniffing at the fresh spring air. Looking out the window is making my mind wander. Pleasant memories are flooding my mind. Memories like my first trip to Galveston...The first live palm trees I ever saw...fronds swaying gently in the evening breeze along the backdrop of the Gulf of Mexico, lit by the beautiful full moon. Memories like when I was in college in Iowa, taking time out to go out to the bluffs along the Mississippi River... enjoying the beauty of the river and the gold and orange hues of the rocks that made up the bluffs... feeling the warmth of the sun... I could go on and on letting all the picturesque memories flood my mind... sometimes it seems like the more preferred place to be...Among all my pleasant memories.

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